High Purity Solvents Order Online
We here at RightPath Industries would like to think of us as synonymous with high purity solvents. We have recently updated our website and even created a separate secure online store for ordering all of your high purity solvents. You can now order all of your high purity solvents through highpuritysolvent.com which is part of RightPath Industries. You can also request custom pricing by simply contacting us. We often have sales on our website so it is advisable to check often or contact us if we do not offer something that you might be looking for. All of our chemicals can be drop ins and direct replacements for other brand name products that you are simply paying too much money for. We believe in building long standing business relationships with our customers and pricing products too high is not one of our goals however saving you time and money is. By working with RightPath industries for you high purity solvent needs you can not only save just time by ordering many of your items in one place with RightPath Analytical and our high purity solvents but you can also save money. Our pricing is far below in the industry averages and we specifically cater to smaller to medium size laboratories. Please feel free to give us a call and see how we can save you money not only today but far into the future as well.

RightPath Industries High Purity Solvents